Key improvements

We have achieved substantial improvements, including tailored working time models, with new semi-retirement models financially supported by Swisscom, longer maternity and paternity leave, and improvements to the long-term working time account.

And there’s more: All employees will get at least one additional leave day, with some even receiving three. Swisscom employees will now be entitled to 28 leave days up to the age of 49, 30 days from 50 to 59, and 31 days from the age of 60. The CLA stipulates that no one may be disadvantaged or discriminated against if they work from home; a new home office procedure is being negotiated. In addition, the education allowance for children and the minimum wage will rise.

Our main demands in the negotiations remain the reduction of actual working time (including reduction of weekly working time, and new tailored working time models, and we will make every effort to make this happen. This CLA is an important step towards achieving our objectives, but we still have some way to go.  We’ll keep working on it!

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