>Contribution / Fee
>Additional information
How much is the membership contribution?
Contributions depend on gross income and range from CHF 10.00 (trainees/full-time students) and CHF 51.00 (gross annual income of CHF 100,000 or more) per month.
Annual income in CHF (brutto, without bonuses) | Monthly membership fee in CHF |
up to 9999.- | 13.50 |
10 000 – 19 999.– | 17.40 |
20 000 – 29 999.– | 24.50 |
30 000 – 39 999.– | 29.70 |
40 000 – 49 999.– | 37.– |
50 000 – 59 999.– | 38.90 |
60 000 – 69 999.– | 40.90 |
70 000 – 79 999.– | 42.80 |
80 000 – 89 999.– | 46.80 |
90 000 – 99 999.– | 48.50 |
from 100 000 | 51.90 |
Retired persons | 15.– |
In training | 10.– |
Private newspapers and printed matter / bicycle couriers | 8.– |
Solidarity members | 24.60 |
Dual members | 29.50 |
Information about enforcement costs and the collective employment agreement contribution
Depending on the collective employment agreement, a monthly contribution towards the enforcement costs / CEA contribution (formerly solidarity contribution) will be deducted from your salary. The amount of this contribution is determined by the collective employment agreement and is declared on your pay slip.
This valuable contribution helps us as a union to cover part of the costs of agreement negotiations and agreement enforcement.
syndicom reimburses members for the contribution towards enforcement costs for the previous year, provided that the membership fees have been paid. Payment is made in the first six months of the following year.
Important note if you are employed by Swiss Post, Swisscom, Skyguide or T-Systems: If your membership fee is deducted from your salary, the enforcement contribution will be waived.
I have no income, how much is the monthly contribution?
For an annual income of less than CHF 9,999 the monthly contribution is CHF 13.50.
I am registered with the Regional Employment Centre, how much is the monthly contribution?
Our members who are registered with the unemployment insurance fund pay a flat monthly contribution of CHF 17.40. As soon as membership administration receives a statement from the insurance fund, the adjustment can be made.
How much do I pay after I retire?
After retirement, the monthly contribution is CHF 15.00. Employment law protection is no longer available; you no longer need it, otherwise you will continue to benefit from all other offers.
Are membership contributions tax-deductible?
In some cantons, yes, in others no. There are even differences between municipalities. That is why we cannot give a definitive answer. Sometimes the contribution is accepted as professional costs, sometimes as a contribution to a political organisation. Our recommendation: just give it a try and enter the union contribution.
How can I cancel my membership?
In accordance with the statutes, membership continues until written cancellation signed by yourself is received. You can leave at the end of a month with a six-month notice period.
I am leaving Switzerland and emigrating. What is the notice period in this case?
If there is no special waiting period, membership can be terminated with confirmation of deregistration as of the date of departure.
I am switching to another SGB union. Is there still a notice period?
No, unless there is a special waiting period. When changing membership from one SGB union to another, the rule is that the change can be made at the end of a month.
So if you switch to another SGB union, the new union should contact us and confirm your membership so that we can make the transfer.
Additional Information
I have changed sectors, can I still remain a member?
It doesn’t matter where you work. As long as you are a member, you have employment law protection through us and are also entitled to use our services.
Am I entitled to legal advice immediately after joining?
Membership begins in the following month. Comprehensive legal protection only begins after three months. The time of the underlying event is the decisive factor for the duration of the insurance cover. Comprehensive employment law protection is granted if the underlying event occurred after joining syndicom after the waiting period has expired. However, new members are provided with a reduced level of employment law advice (approx. 1 hour)